Volca Guide
SynthRISE is the oldest company serving the Korg Volca market. If you need a Volca stand, power supply, or daisy chain cable, you can trust SynthRISE to give you the highest quality and best combination of features.
We’ve compiled the following information as part of our long history of supporting the Volca community. Contact us if you’d like to suggest additional content.
Model | Year | Synthesis | Output |
Bass | 2013 | Analog | Mono* |
Beats | 2013 | Analog + PCM | Mono* |
Keys | 2013 | Analog | Mono* |
Sample | 2014 | PCM sample | Stereo (panning of mono samples) |
FM | 2016 | 6 op FM | Stereo (chorus on mono voice) |
Kick | 2016 | Analog | Mono* |
Mix | 2018 | (none) | Stereo |
Drum | 2019 | Digital DSP | Stereo (panning of drum parts) |
nubass | 2019 | Analog | Mono* |
Modular | 2019 | Analog | Mono* |
Sample 2 | 2020 | PCM Sample | Stereo (panning of mono samples) |
* Mono signal is duplicated in phase on left and right headphone channels.
Power for Korg Volcas
All Volcas except the Mix can be powered by 6 AA batteries or an external power adapter. The Mix can only be powered by an external power adapter.
By default, Volcas are set to use alkaline batteries. If you're using rechargeable nickel-metal hydride (NiMh) batteries, change the battery type setting in the global parameters for your Volca.
Power Adapter for Korg Volcas
A Volca power adapter should be 9 volts DC, center positive, with a 4.75 mm x 1.7 mm barrel plug per the EIAJ-03 standard. The KVgear PA-2pro and Korg KA-350 and 9V600MACPP are among the few power adapters that meet all of these requirements.
Many power adapter companies ignore the standard by using a smaller (4.0 x 1.7) barrel plug. They get away with this because the power input jack on a Volca can accept an undersized plug. While this shortcut improves the profit margin of the company selling the power adapter, it could potentially be a problem for consumers because an undersized barrel plug on a power adapter cannot be used with Volca daisy chain cables.
Another consideration is the physical size and layout of a power adapter. Ideally, a power adapter should be polite enough to occupy only a single spot on a power strip or wall outlet. But good manners are rare in the world of power adapters. Many adapters hog a total of 2 or 3 spots on a power strip. Other have right angle bodies that usually occupy only a single spot, but even this type can block additional sockets on some power strips. Thankfully, two power adapters are available which have a short AC cord and only occupy a single outlet under all conditions: the KVgear PA2pro and the Korg 9V600MACPP.
Current Capacity
The current rating on a power adapter describes the amount that it can provide if gear demands it. Think of current as being “pulled’ from the power adapter by the Volca. The power adapter does not “push” current to the Volca. For this reason it’s ok to use a power adapter with a high current rating. When using a daisy chain cable you should look for a power adapter with a high current rating to ensure that it has enough power for several Volcas.
Daisy Chain Cable for Korg Volcas
Power adapters can be expensive and occupy a lot of space on AC power strips. Many people don’t want to purchase a separate power adapter for each Volca. Instead, they use a daisy chain cable (daisy chain splitter, power splitter cable, squid, multi-adapter, or multi-plug cable) to power several Volcas from a single power adapter.
If you’re looking for a daisy chain cable for Korg Volcas, we recommend our DC-5 Volca Daisy Chain Cable.

Guitar Pedalboard Power Supply
Another option is to use a multi-port “power brick” with isolated 9 V power outputs. One example is the MXR M239 Mini Iso-Brick with 5 outputs. Because polarity is generally center negative on a pedalboard power supply, Volca owners must use an adapter cable that switches polarity and has the correct plugs on each end. The KVgear CBL-FX cable (no longer available) was made for this purpose.
Korg Volca Mix and KVgear Vixen Power Hubs
The Korg Mix and KVgear Vixen (discontinued) have daisy chain power hubs. Cables must have 4.75 x 1.7 plugs on each end. The KVgear CBL-VV cable (no longer available) was designed for this purpose and it's longer than the ones provided with the Mix.
Ground Loop Hum
Ground loop hum can sound like a faint train horn, a buzz, or slowly alternating random tones. It can occur any time multiple pieces of electronic music gear are connected by electrically conductive cables. All types of conductive cables can contribute to ground loop hum, including power, audio, MIDI, sync and USB. The cables do not generate noise. But they provide a pathway for different ground (or neutral) voltages to interact, resulting in audible noise being generated within one or more pieces of gear. USB cables tend to be among the worst offenders. Daisy chain power cables can also allow ground loop hum to occur.
In a Volca setup using a daisy chain power cable, the easiest solution is to place an audio isolator cable inline with the audio cable on whichever Volca is experiencing the noise. In our experience, if you are powering 3 to 5 Volcas on a daisy chain cable, you might need a single audio isolator cable, although it’s possible you could need 2; or you might need zero if you're lucky. There are many audio isolator cables on the market. We have used the PAC SNI-1/3.5 and Mpow Ground Loop Noise Isolator with great success. We have no connection with either of these companies. We're just recommending what we know will work at a reasonable price.
A ground loop isolator works because it breaks the path of the wires in the cable using a transformer. The transformer is contained within a plastic housing in the middle of the audio isolator cable. The transformer is a shaped piece of iron with two sets of copper coils wrapped around different parts of the iron. The "upstream" coil converts the electrical signal into a magnetic signal which is picked up by the "downstream" coil and is converted back into an electrical signal.
If you're using USB power or if you have an audio interface connected to your system, you might need to use a USB audio isolator. There are many on the market. If using USB power, make sure that the USB audio isolator can provide enough power for your devices. The pictures below show typical USB audio isolators.
All of the LIVEN synth models from SONICWARE have the same power specification as Korg Volcas. That means that the KVgear PA2pro power supply and DC-5 daisy chain cable are compatible with SONICWARE LIVEN synths.
Audio Cables
Short answer -- Use any of the following:
To minimize mechanical strain on the Volca headphone jack, it's recommended that you do not use a 1/4" cable plugged into a 3.5 mm adapter. Instead, use a 3.5 mm cable and plug it directly into the Volca headphone jack.
Korg recommends that only stereo (TRS) cables should be used for Volca audio output, even on mono Volcas. This applies even if you're plugging the stereo cable into a mono input on a mixer. There's no harm in this because an unbalanced mono jack in a mixer does not make use of the duplicate mono signal on the other side of the stereo connection.
A 3.5 mm stereo (TRS) to dual 1/4" mono (TS) cable is a valid option. If used with a stereo Volca, both mono 1/4" plugs should be connected to inputs on a mixer or audio interface. For mono Volcas, the two 1/4" mono plugs will carry the same signal and you only need to plug in one of the 1/4" plugs; you can leave the other 1/4" mono plug hanging loose (not connected) or you can plug it into a different device (audio interface or an effects pedal). The use of a TRS to dual TS cable with only a single TS cable being plugged into the mixer is especially important to do if you're plugging a Volca into a BAL/UNBAL or UNBAL jack on a mixer.
A 3.5 mm stereo (TRS) to 1/4" mono (TS) adapter should NOT be used when plugging into an UNBALANCED input. However, this type of cable SHOULD be used if you are plugging into a BALANCED input. This is because balanced and unbalanced equipment have different electrical paths for the three signals coming out of a Volca (left, right, neutral). Be aware that connecting a Volca to a balanced input can sometimes cause problems with sync. If sync problems occur, carefully check all cables (audio and sync) to ensure that they are the correct type.
Sync Cables
Short answer: Use 3.5 mm cables for sync. Mono (TS) is highly recommended, but stereo (TRS) can be used.*
Volcas will share the same tempo if you connect them with sync cables. Plug one end of a sync cable into the OUT jack of a Volca and into the IN jack of another Volca. Continue to connect sync cables to the OUT and IN jacks on other Volcas. The first Volca in the chain will be in control of the tempo for all. You can start and stop the sequencers on each Volca independently, but they'll all be on the same beat.
There's a hack to allow all synced Volcas to receive a start signal at the same time. On the master Volca (the one at the start of the sync chain), plug one end of a sync cable into the IN jack and leave the other end of the cable unplugged. Press PLAY on each of the Volcas. When you pull out the extra sync cable from the master Volca, all Volcas will instantly start playing at the same time. All Volcas will stop at the same time when you plug the loose cable back into the IN jack on the master Volca. If any notes continue to play on any of the Volcas, hit the PLAY button on that Volca to stop the sound.
3.5 mm mono (TS) cables are easy to find at nearly any place that sells audio cables. If you're fond of rainbow colors, consider the Korg SQ-CABLE-6 sync cable (pack of 6).
All Volcas include a MIDI in port to allow you to control it with another synth, drum machine, sequencer or MIDI controller.MIDI Out Mod
Although Volcas do not include built-in MIDI out jacks, Korg included the necessary contact points on the PCB, including markings to clearly indicate their purpose. You can add a MIDI out jack by following DIY instructions or by buying a kit. Most MIDI Out modifications require soldering, but there are some products that do not require any soldering. Be warned that if you modify your Volca you will most likely void your warranty with Korg.
Shock Electronics kit for adding MIDI Out jack to rear wall of housing.
Amazing Machines kit for adding MIDI Out jack to rear wall of housing.
DIY instructions from Eunjae Im for installing TRS jack on rear wall of housing for MIDI Out.
MIDI Cables
Any standard MIDI cable can be used with Volcas.MIDI Setup
Korg Volca MIDI Implementation ChartMIDI Hub
MIDI Solutions Quadra ThruMotu MIDI Timepiece
Caution: Users report mixed results (some bad, some good) with MIDI 4x4 USB MIDI hubs sold on Amazon
Patch Editor (via MIDI)
Unofficial software has been created by users to allow for adjustment of patch parameter over MIDI,https://korg-volca-keys-editor.jimdofree.com/
Firmware Modifications
All Volcas use firmware to control their digital functions. If you're feeling adventurous you can install third-party firmware in your Volca Sample or Volca FM to add extra features. But do so at your own risk. If you damage your Volca in the process you will void your warranty. With that very real disclaimer out of the way, check out the following:
Pajen Unofficial Firmware Information and Links at Reddit
Pajen Unofficial Firmware Description at Synth Anatomy
Pajen Unofficial Firmware Description and Links by Ranzee
Pajen Unofficial Firmware Announcement at Gearslutz (page 21)
Hardware Modifications
See below for a few DIY hardware modifications you can make on Volcas. Elsewhere in this guide are links to MIDI-out mods for all Volcas.
Beats: Snare Mod
The analog snare sound on the Volca Beats can be made to sound more snappy by making simple changes. There are multiple versions of this mod.
Volca Beats snare mod (by Darren Glen, AKA Blackout)
Gearspace discussion about Volca Beats snare mod
Muffwiggler discussion about Volca Beats snare mod
Volca Beat snare mod (by Mark Steiner)
Beats: PCM, Kick and Toms Mods
Beats: Individual Outputs
Each drum sound on a Volca Beats can be given its own individual output jack.
Volca Beats individual-outs mod (by ArvidJense)
Improvement on ArvidJense mod using different snare output (by 2btech)
Beats: Eurorack Integration
To bring the sound of multiple Volcas together you'll need some sort of mixer. Options range from a simple headphone splitter on up to a pro-quality mixer. Each option has benefits and drawbacks. We'll examine them below in order of cost.Headphone Splitter
Some people use a headphone splitter, such as a Belkin Rockstar, to combine multiple Volca outputs to a single stereo output. While many people swear by this incredibly inexpensive approach, there are some who warn against it due to the possibility that impedance mismatch could damage the Volcas. When impedance mismatch occurs, the output of one device is fed into the output of another device, potentially resulting in permanent damage to one of the devices. Headphone splitters are not designed to act as passive mixers, and the outputs of Volcas are not designed to receive the signals from other Volcas. The safest approach is to avoid misusing a headphone splitter. Instead, buy a passive mixer if you want to go the inexpensive and compact route, or an active (powered) mixer if you have the space and money.
- Very inexpensive, very compact
- Potential damage to Volcas due to impedance mismatch.
- Loss of volume
- Can cause sync problems, especially at high volume
Passive Mixer
A passive mixer is an unpowered device that can safely combine signals due to resistors in the circuit. This makes a passive mixer a step up in safety and price from a headphone splitter. A passive mixer can be as simple as a DIY circuit board with resistors and audio jacks, on up to a device with a metal housing and faders. But be aware that a passive mixer can only attenuate (reduce) volume, not amplify it. Because there are dozens of passive mixers on the market, you should be able to find one that has the right number of channels, jack size and type, controls, and physical size to meet your needs.
- Inexpensive, compact
- Loss of volume
- Can cause sync problems, especially at high volume
Compact Mixer
In recent years a number of small mixers have become available. They have a wide range of features and prices, and varying levels of quality. A few notable ones are listed below.KVgear Vixen
See Tangible Waves VMIX-10 for nearly same feature set at Vixen
- Pros: 8 channels (2 of them stereo), mutes, panning, 2 aux sends, separate phones and main outs, power for 8 Volcas, battery powered, same size as Volca
- Cons: no longer available
Zoom LiveTrak L6 Mixer
- Pros: 10 channels (4 mono plus 6 stereo inputs), digital recording, 5 internal send effects, 2 aux sends, EQ, battery or USB power.
- Cons: 6.35 mm (1/4") jacks
- Pros: can power Volcas, same size as a Volca
- Cons: only 3 channels, not battery powered
- Pros: 8 channels (2 of them stereo), mutes, panning, 2 aux sends, separate phones and main outs, power for 4 Volcas, same size as Volca.
- Cons: fx and main out jacks are 6.35 mm (1/4")
- Pros: small, battery powered
- Cons: limited features
- Pros: inexpensive, pan controls
- Cons: limited features, noise
- Pros: small, inexpensive, inputs selectable between mono or stereo, stereo out
- Cons: limited features, keep gain at 12 o'clock or lower to avoid noise
- Pros: small, 6 stereo inputs, per channel FX and EQ, global compression, MIDI sync, records onto microSD card
- Cons: expensive; menu diving
Elite Acoustics GigMix 4-1 Mixer
- Pros: onboard fx, dedicated mix level knobs
- Cons: only 4 channels
- Pros: inexpensive, 8 channels, ultra compact, steel chassis, audio interface, USB power, rudimentary panning using outputs A and B
- Cons: 1/4" cable inputs, no dedicated panning, no aux sends

Large Format Mixer
Traditional mixers commonly found in home studios and touring rigs can offer a lot of features. There are too many mixers to list them all. A few that are popular with Volca users are: Behringer Micromix MX400, Mackie Mix8, Behringer Xenyx 1002B, Soundcraft Notepad (-5, -8FX, -12FX versions).Stands & Racks for Korg Volcas
Musicians are spoiled for choice when it comes to Korg Volca stands and racks. There are dozens of options ranging from 3D printed, to metal, to wood, to precision plastic. There are even clever DIY designs that use cardboard. But buyer beware! Quality, sturdiness, appearance and price vary widely. When shopping for a Volca stand, pay attention to the materials used, especially in the pieces that connect the side panels together. Is the stand designed to prevent structural failure? (Screwing into the edge of an MDF panel can easily lead to failure.) Is the stand freestanding (or does it squeeze the Volcas for stability)? Can it be assembled/disassembled without tools? Is the stand able to resist falling backwards or wobbling side-to-side when the Volcas are played? Is there room for cable routing? Can the stand be expanded or added to?
See our collection of professional quality Volca stands from that answer "yes" to all of the above questions.
Euorack Mounting of Volcas
Check out our Volca Eurorack Mounting Kit for a super easy way of mounting a Volca into a Eurorack case.

Cases & Covers
Soft Cases
Hard Cases
If your Volca appears to be malfunctioning or acting strangely, you can reflash the panel processor, which is done by holding REC and MEM while starting the Volca. (Thanks to Pajen for the tip!)Further Information
Volca groups on Facebook
Korg Volca Expert Guides by Tony Horgan
- www.facebook.com/volcaexpert
- www.instagram.com/tony_horgan
- Korg Volca Expert Guides on Google Play
- Korg Volca Modular, The Expert Guide (print version)
- Korg Volca Drum, The Expert Guide (print version)
Volca Fan Art by Henry Kalenius
Volca Jam (monthly jam contest)
Reddit Volcas group
Volca Modular Complete Walkthrough Guide Video
Tutorials, Tips, Trick by Filipe Teixeira
Volca Series Buying Guide on Reverb